Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I Love My Job Squared!

Today was a double or quadratic "I Love My Job" kind of day.  I spent the morning talking with a few officers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.  I learned a great deal both for the Steve/Dave/Phil project and for potential spinoffs.

In the afternoon, I went to see Tokyo's oldest garden: Koishikawa Korakuen Garden. Much damage from both 1923 Great Firequake and 1945 Firebombings, but it was still a beautiful island of tranquility, sort of.

Why sort of?  Because it is next to the Tokyo Dome.  This is not only the big baseball stadium where the Tokyo Giants play but also a site:
  • off track betting--the crumpled betting sheets made it the dirtiest place in Tokyo
  • an amusement park with roller coaster (so much noise of shrieking reached the garden)
  • oh, and the Baseball Hall of Fame.  
Computer problems (windows 10 update has made it impossible to work except in safe mode--which disables most of my software and requires me to use web-based programs like google docs) are making blogging and particularly posting of pics harder--it may be easier once Mrs Spew arrives with her laptop.

Anyhow, I love my job and I love my job.

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